BRAZIL: protection of software and computer-implemented innovations

Software innovations have become deeply integrated into our daily routines, influencing nearly every aspect of our lives. This widespread presence of software advancements has led to a surge in patent applications, particularly in the realm of computer technologies. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) reported that computer technologies accounted for a significant portion of all published PCT applications in 2023, underscoring the growing importance of securing intellectual property rights for such innovations. In Brazil, a key market, legal avenues exist to safeguard computer-implemented inventions, including software registration and trade secret protection. Crafting patent applications for these inventions in Brazil requires careful attention to language, technical translations, and the inclusion of specific claims to enhance the likelihood of successful patent prosecution. By adhering to best practices and understanding the legal landscape, applicants can fortify their Intellectual Property portfolios and enhance their competitive standing in the market.

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