On June 7, 2022, the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) issued a decree outlining the reopening of funding opportunities for the years 2022, specifically through the Brevetti+, Disegni+, and Marchi+ programs, as delineated in Article 1. Article 2 detailed the financial resources allocated for these initiatives, which include €20 million for Brevetti+, supplemented by €10 million from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), alongside €14 million for Disegni+ and €2 million for Marchi+. These funding programs are part of a strategic plan aimed at enhancing industrial property rights from 2021 to 2023, focusing on the promotion of technological innovation, trademark, and design protection. The Brevetti+, Marchi+, and Disegni+ schemes are public procedures designed to provide economic contributions to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in Italy, including newly established entities, to encourage patenting and the enhancement of trademarks and designs. Applications for these funds opened on specific dates: September 27, 2022, for Brevetti+, October 11, 2022, for Disegni+, and October 25, 2022, for Marchi+. Brevetti+ aims to financially support the economic valorization of patents, with a total funding of €30 million, including €10 million from the PNRR, of which €4 million is allocated specifically to southern regions. Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are depleted. Eligibility criteria include holding patents granted after January 1, 2019, or having pending patent applications with positive research reports. The Marchi+ initiative, managed by Unioncamere, seeks to assist companies in registering trademarks internationally, offering up to 90% funding for eligible expenses. Similarly, Disegni+ focuses on enhancing the innovative capacity of SMEs through the valuation of designs, providing up to 80% funding for related costs, with specific requirements for application submission and eligibility.
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Read the full article on the original webpage: https://quifinanza.it/economia/imprese-pmi/brevetti-disegni-e-marchi-date-e-modalita-per-linvio-delle-domande/663351/
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